Thursday, January 12, 2006
Circular 22.11.05
The logic that pulls
me back -
I am unable to
find that point
of beginning.
There is no start
to the road of
my love for you: and
walking it
takes me past places
seen and re-seen
until I have passed
beyond memory and
we are all-at-once
newborn but unbegun.
Context 24.11.05
This is my reliquary for
every heart that I have
taken. Each placed in their
box and held tight in time
awaiting my awakening.
I have caressed them
to their individual slumbers
as a penitence for the actions
against me. You can see their
presence etched into my skin -
a brand for every woman I have
loved, for every cut into my
heart that they have performed.
They are dark incisions these
women have done, and I am
all the lighter for it, but changed
and unbalanced. Every love
has damaged me, and yours
I hope is the most damaging
the most changing.
Falling in the cracks 22.11.05
I see chasms in
the spaces between
bricks, paved
so carefully for us
We are in jeopardy of
stepping between them
and falling into the
earth to be held.
It is contemptuous of
us: our easy movements
without pressure or heat
through airy heights
we forget our capability for
stillness, of letting the air
blow into us, of letting water
flow through the spaces in
and between our souls. We move
to intercept each moment
each thought and feeling
before it arrives.
With you I restrain myself:
instead of rushing to meet
and discard I will stand in the
earth and encourage your
flowing through me, your
movement into my every space
and the knowledge that here
I will be moved by you.
Knowledge 07.12.05
I knew, I knew, I knew
you were not that inanimate
that there was a beat
reaching out from some
hollowness within the
stories making you up
but I could not
access them
I could not bring
them into being, and
bring you back to me. I know
that my presence remains
unreplaced, that I stand alone
in my connected context with you.
This cannot impede my love.
Declaration 07.12.05
You have (opened up) your soul.
In this moment of
Histories parade
before me in attempts
to re-construct 'now'
(because we are what we
have been: the integrals
and areas of our pasts)
In Praise of Bricks 26.12.05
Although there is structure
and a Marxist commonality
in your intent
I prefer you best
when you are
It is then when your
validity and your pertinence
lack condition, when
you are exposed and,
in exposition,
I would see the clay
of you dissolve in a
reminder of mutability
I would feel the burn
of you melt in cold
From these would you
finally appear honest, seem
more human and be, at once,
a metaphor for our growth
and our timely
river bed 21.12.05
holes in the sand
marking hollows
beneath my feet
I imagine being
small enough to
drain myself into
the hole, submerged
in the water and
hidden from sunlight
It is a slow and
purposeful movement out of my shallow
abode – something normally
unworthy of excessive risk
lest I be suddenly and
fatally consumed
such is the danger of
Thunderous light
while the spread at
my waters extends
beyond its higher bounds
My neutrality is the definition
of my beauty
I am enchanting water
Inspiration 20.12.05
Such dullness as you
have inflicted upon
me: it is the slow
consuming silence
of one thinking
they were inspired.
Instead, I have
been stifled by
amassed expectations
unfitting 'reality'
a clash of silence
and voice speaks for itself
Lilies 23.12.05
I gave you them
You claimed
their pollen and
their falling petals
would stain
(as if I did not know)
In truth I hoped
they would stain
your clothes, the
wooden table on which
you left them.
Or maybe they would
mark your skin
dye your hair
indelibly marking you
possessing you: mine
(although we feign unpossession)
Crown of Thorns 25.12.05
Cutting into me as
I walk towards
a hand-washed
death (or was it
confusion is easily split
by wine-piercing
and headcuts may be
a sudden cut off mercy -
would be easier, but
No! My suffering is
so warranted father
Father, oh goddamned
in my head
dark and light
and the whiteblack
of insistent soreness
This crown this
cross and the destined
holes (holes within darkness
within holes) through my
hands my feet my
ribs and abdomen
lurching blood free
of mortality (or at
least an idea of the mortal,
the immortal) and my
momentary eternity:
that time, that instance in
which death is inevitable
the cloth and clutch of its
encapsulation: me crowning
me for this infinity my
infinity and my life
repeated repeated repeated
because of recording
recalling my words
My words this today
All on account of
birth (death happiness)
of me isolated
and as immaculate
as an unclouded
desert morning
Prayers and Darknesses 25.12.05
A shamble
of breaking voices
raising praise in
final pleas for
surrounds me
send Up your thoughts
send Up that which hurts
send Up any and everything
you refuse to question
They will be solved
A solution of clouds
harps angels and
I would rather be the
shadow beneath the
cloud: cast on the
unaware soil, infused
by its darkness:
a fertility for light
that would come
our way
Labeled 25.12.05
Am I kaffir you
who call me
Am I fuckingqueer you
who call me
bent fuck-buddy?
Am I AIDS-ridden you
who call me
HIV 'positive'?
Such a tenacity in the
multiplicity and
paradox of labels
And fuck you if I cannot be
hairy skin blanched in
frustration and
Blood tides 25.12.05
An eternity of switching-
sign parabolas in a
progression of
moving into
every level of
I sink beneath
the granule-much
sand breaking
that is my blood
though your veins -
My tears flow from your
eyes in attentiveness to
your tenebrous states
clouded shadowed coagulating
mixed you and I
A river wind 25.12.05
cobbles on the water's surface
the clasp of weeds
on a wader's
Organise 27.12.05
create some logical and coherent
structure to what is extant
let reality refill itself with
what is actually there
A contrast: water is not water-perceived
but now re-consideration leads
it to be water
my finger is not
pointing at the moon
but is the moon
and every understanding
of moon-ness
although you perceive so much
ease in my acceptance
it is trained, strung out to
a photon width's perception
i elocute i properly think
you your histories and
why i do not have the
need for privation
(though part of me screams
violation it is easily adumbrated
by the perpetuity of love)
and love that moon-finger word
how I wish that my pointing at
it would convey to you
its every nuance
its potency and
there you are
and I do not perceive
your borders
Systems 25.12.05
A river flowing
away from its mouth
Her body's limbs turn
away from the ground
Limpets attach to
the sea, not the rock
A compass points, not
North, but rather South.
The way that the water
flows indicates its
misdirected intentions:
a fracas with its
reality-cast role.
Indignant, its course
She is unaware of the
way she rests, arms above
her head and unaffected
by what we'd claim
gravity should
The mollusc, the sand, have
made their way up to the
dams attempting to
reclaim their ancestral
Direction, having lost its
terminal anchor, ceases
to retain its causative
And in amongst all
of this is the third
person casting their
mind out to clasp
ideas, to halt
progression of space
and to encapsulate why
direction should not
lay claim to
Jam-packed 28.12.05
your request for
does not much surprise me
knowledge, its constituent parts
possession, entitlement to all
a sinew reliquary holding us
between bone and flesh
and the long-haul fuss
of misunderstood ownership
Forestry 28.12.05
Muscle-bone bound is
this body
a tree carved man
without the roots
of water and sun
to guide its progression
woman walks towards the branches
entangled in the leaves
in approach to the heart
of it
although a tree is unlikely
to uproot
it could fall
and fall
the bones and sinew could
step up from the ground
calling up and moving away
exerting anger upon the
constraining body
these branches they scar
the intent of woman's skin
these leaves imprint their
skeletal brands on woman
such Action drowns woman
in the natural suffering to
which she progresses,
at least so in belief,
at least so in memory.
Capsule 01.01.06
i do not mean
space not the ones
bursting through
atmospheres and
launching satellites
no not those you
pop-pop in your
mouth vitamin quick
and PROZAC heavy
not accurate enough no
but that oval shape
maybe or hemmed in
yes or held into an
odd unaccustomed
shape honest
murky acrid tastes
the crumpling of metal
and the parachute explosion
all that's capsuled:
tension and bursting me now
carriage 01.01.06
this vessel
placed in you
to channel fear
its movements
an asymmetry of
rhythmic erratic
calling back to
recreate touchedness
in the non-you-me
space we entered
we leave behind
uncanny tastes of
begun : ended
Nevertheless 03.01.06
Inject me with your blood
I would suffer as you do
it would give a point
to these tears I
shed in disbelief
to the pain I
inflict on myself
in sympathy
though it is
Give birth to me
as young as you are
my mother, giving to
me all love, all
infected passion
that I would accept
my role
my dissolute
and arbitrary
and no pills
no love
no adoption
no purple and white
t-shirt wearing
can protect me
when the uncaring
the unbelieving
hold power
Injunction 04.01.06
I would celebrate
turning water to wine
and the subsequent joy
were they not inane
I would worship the
wonder of healing
blindness and maiming
were they reality
I crave a son of gods
were it a cannibalistic
celebration or a wine-sex
rite of gloried intents
I would worship, I would
be faithful if there was
but one iota of evidence
that they could miracle
that magic could be exist
or be returned to those
who suffer in its non-existence
who live under the falseness
of its lacking. Were you here
would you perform healings? Are
you that connected to god, to the
wondrousness of faith? Or are
you simply created in history and
so I defy you to create faith
in me, my ingestion of you
running poison-thorough
through me in its ability to
change me. If you could
heal infected children, if you could
stop collapsing lungs
if you could remove the yellow
clasp on malarial eyes. Then
would I eat and drink of you
and I would praise you
I would magic you and consistently
and continuously create you in
every day. I would be yours
I would be faith.
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