Posted by Simon Halliday | Monday, February 15, 2010 | Category:
If you are at all interested in evolution, wildlife or photography, I strongly recommend you take a look at the Natural History Museum's Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the year Competition. If you're not in London or the surrounds, then take a look at the online gallery of the winners, runners-up and special commendations. There were several phenomenal shots taken by professionals, amateurs and competitors in the special categories for children and adolescents. From photographs of leopards like the one adjacent, to puffins, king seals, dolphins, insects balanced on snowflakes, and many more. The diversity and beauty of our planet displayed in full. Truly joyous.
Another facet of the exhibition portrays the interaction of Humans and the other wildlife on the planet, with Nature: from urban and wild interactions (monkeys battling over a slurp of water, or a cat fending off a fox) to the more poignant, like the picture adjacent of a king penguin chick fascinated by the footprints of the photographer (indeed, this picture was voted as the favourite by the exhibition's attendees). Seeing the captured moments of these complex and ongoing interactions reminds me of the nature of our relationship - as humans - with our environment: Nature affects how we evolve and how we interact with one another as Humans; Humanity also affects Nature, the species comprising it, the paths these species will take as they evolve, and ultimately their survivability. I know that evolution is a wild and amoral thing, but I hope that we manage to evolve and to progress in such a way that we manage to maintain and to protect the glorious diversity and beauty of our planet. Rumination over.
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